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Hadoop Developer Foundations

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Last Update May 10, 2024
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About This Course

Course Description

New – Learn about the Hadoop ecosystem and how to process large data streams.

Apache Hadoop is a framework for processing Big Data, and Spark is a new in-memory processing engine. This course will introduce you to the Hadoop ecosystem and Spark.

This course explores processing large data streams in the Hadoop ecosystem. Working in a hands-on learning environment, you’ll learn techniques and tools for ingesting, transforming, and exporting data to and from the Hadoop ecosystem for processing. You’ll also process data using Map/Reduce and other critical tools, including Hive and Pig. Towards the end of the course, we’ll review other useful tools such as Oozie and discuss security in the ecosystem.

Learning Objectives

Introduction to Hadoop
Data Ingestion
Working with Hive
Hive advanced
Hive in Cloudera/Hortonworks Distribution (or tools of choice)
Working with Spark
Spark Basics
Spark Shell
Spark Dataframes and Datasets
Spark SQL
Spark API programming
Spark and Hadoop
Machine Learning (ML/MLlib)
Spark Streaming


  • Instructor-led training
  • Training Seminar Student Handbook
  • Collaboration with classmates (not currently available for self-paced course)
  • Real-world learning activities and scenarios
  • Exam scheduling support*
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*


  • Familiar with a programming language
  • Comfortable in Linux environment (be able to navigate Linux command line, edit files using vi or nano)

Target Audience

  • Experienced Developers and Architects seeking to be proficient in Hadoop, Hive, and Spark within an enterprise data environment.


103 Lessons32h

1. Introduction to Hadoop

Hadoop history, concepts
High-level architecture
Hadoop myths
Hadoop challenges
Hardware and software



4. HBase

5. Oozie

6. Working with Hive

7. Hive advanced

8. Hive in Cloudera or HortonWorks Distribution (or tools of choice)

9. Spark Basics

10. Spark Shell

11. RDDs

12. Spark SQL

13. Spark API programming (Scala and Python)

14. Spark and Hadoop

15. Machine Learning (ML/MLlib)

16. GraphX

17. Spark Streaming

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Hadoop developer foundation


Duration 32 hours
103 lectures


  • Instructor-led training
  • Training Seminar Student Handbook
  • Collaboration with classmates (not currently available for self-paced course)
  • Real-world learning activities and scenarios
  • Exam scheduling support*
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*

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