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Node.js Foundations eLearning

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Last Update April 15, 2024
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About This Course

Course Description:

This online training course is a high level introduction to the open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment known as Node.js. This Node online training course covers setting up your computer to utilize Node, creating programs, executing expressions, understand Node package manager, understand Node.js Event Emitter, Node.js streams, and more!

Learning Objectives

Setting up a computer to write and run Node code
Create your first program and learn various aspects of Node app creation
Learn about the REPL terminal and how to execute different types of expressions
Understand what the node package manager is and how to use it for your applications
Learn how to respond to use callbacks to respond to events and drive app behavior
Explore event driven applications and see how apps are executed in Node
Understand the Node.js Event Emitter
Learn the different functionality offered by Node.js for Buffer interaction
Node.js streams
Creating, reading, and manipulating files with Node
Number representation and manipulation in JavaScript
Understanding how to use the Node.js web module to create and maintain a web server
Learn the basic usages of the express framework in your Node apps
Understand the various aspects of REST and how to build a REST compliant API
JavaScript methods


  • Accessible 24x7x365 both from your PC and Mobile Device
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com; sales@ccslearningacademy.com
  • NOTE: These are our Partner Delivered eLearning.


  • No Prerequisites

Target Audience

  • This online training course is for anyone looking to get a base of Node.js knowledge and begin their journey into development.


73 Lessons

Course Outline

What is Node.js?
Where can Node.js be used?
Why do people write Node.js?
What this course offers
Installing Node.js
Tools you need to write Node
Popular Node editors
Create a Node.js app
Import required modules
Execute Hello World app
Simple expressions
Multiline expressions
Underscore variables
REPL commands
Installing modules
Global & local installs
Uninstall modules
Update modules
What is a callback?
Blocking callback
Non-blocking callback
How Node apps actually work
Event-emitter class
Class & general methods
Creating buffers
Writing to buffers
Reading from buffers
Conversion to JSON
Concatenate buffers
Compare, copy, slice
Buffer length
Class methods
What are streams?
Reading from streams
Writing to streams
Piping streams
Chaining streams
Synchronous & Asynchronous
Open a file
File information
Create, read, delete
Closing a file
Truncating a file
Create directory
Read directory
Remove directory
What’s a web server?
Web app architecture
Create a web server
Create a web client
Installing Express
Hello World
Request & Response
Static files
File uploads
Cookie management
What is REST?
Build a user API
exec() method
spawn() method
fork() method

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73 lectures


  • Accessible 24x7x365 both from your PC and Mobile Device
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com; sales@ccslearningacademy.com
  • NOTE: These are our Partner Delivered eLearning.

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