
Enterprise Solutions Ramp Up Houston

Ramp Up 360° - Recruit, Training & Placement Solution in Houston

As tempting aAre you looking for a fast and efficient way to recruit, train, and place tech talent in Houston? Look no further than Ramp Up 360°.

Ramp Up 360° is a customized talent solution that helps businesses of all sizes build highly qualified workforces. It is the perfect solution for businesses that need to fill tech roles quickly and efficiently. We have a proven track record of success in Houston, and we are confident that we can help you build the workforce you need to achieve your business goals.

Ramp Up 360° Program Highlights

Ramp Up 360°'s Benefits


Accelerated Staffing

Filling personnel gaps after employees leave can seriously hamper projects, goals, and day-to-day workflow. Ramp Up 360° offers a reliable talent pipeline you can tap into any time. Best of all, Ramp Up talent comes to you fully trained and day-1 ready.


Smarter investing

Bringing on new talent is expensive. And with the current labor shortage, your hiring dollars don’t go as far. Ramp Up 360° allows you to access the talent you need for less. You pay only for hours worked, not training and sourcing time. This accelerated onboarding process eliminates expensive downtime and beefs up your staffing ROI. 


Increased diversity

Your organization may be pro diversity and inclusion, but making these initiatives a reality in the workforce isn’t always easy. Ramp Up 360°’s broad talent-sourcing reach helps companies walk the talk. Our talent pool includes a wide variety of skilled individuals, including Veterans, women, and minorities.

CCSLA Solid Tech Team

Solid teams

Ramp Up 360° is designed to bring stability to your tech team. No more unfilled positions, no more overburdened employees. Adequately staffing your team gives everyone space to thrive and do their best work. Best of all, fully functioning teams increases employee engagement and lowers turnover. It’s a solid win all the way around.

Our Specialties

We provide a wide range of technical and professional development training, and we specialize in the following,

Ramp Up 360° - Recruit, Train, and Place the Best Tech Talent in Houston


Finding top tech talent in Houston can be a challenge. Traditional recruiting methods are often ineffective, and it can be difficult to find candidates with the skills you need.
CCS Learning Academy can help you recruit the best tech talent in Houston. We have a deep network of contacts in the tech industry, and we know how to find candidates who are a good fit for your company. We can also help you with the entire recruiting process, from sourcing candidates to interviewing and hiring.


Once you have recruited top tech talent, you need to provide them with the training they need to succeed. CCS Learning Academy offers a variety of training programs that can help your employees develop the skills they need to be successful in their roles. Our training programs are customized to your specific needs, and they can be delivered in person or online.


Once your employees have the skills they need, CCS Learning Academy can help you place them in the right roles. We have a strong understanding of the tech industry in Houston, and we can help you find the perfect match for your company. We also offer placement services for contract and freelance tech talent.
Contact us today to learn more about our recruit, train, and placement solutions for tech talent in Houston.

Tell Us About Your Staffing Needs

Fill out the form below or call us at (858) 208-4141 to inquire about Ramp Up staffing solutions customized to fit your organization’s needs.

Hire the best talent in Houston with our recruitment solution

Ramp Up 360° is a recruitment solution that helps businesses in Houston find the best talent. The program includes recruitment, training, and placement services, all of which are designed to make the hiring process easier and more efficient.

CCS Learning Academy is a leading provider of Ramp Up 360° services in Houston. The academy has a proven track record of success and has helped businesses of all sizes find the talent they need to succeed.

Here are some of the benefits of using Ramp Up 360° to hire talent in Houston:

  • Access to a pool of qualified candidates who are already trained in the skills you need.
  • Save time and money on the recruitment process.
  • Get a customized training program that meets the specific needs of your business.
  • Have the support of a team of experienced professionals who can help you every step of the way.

If you’re looking to hire the best talent in Houston, then Ramp Up 360° is the solution for you. Contact CCS Learning Academy today to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are three main types of recruitment agencies in Houston:
  • Executive search firms: These firms specialize in placing high-level executives, such as CEOs, CFOs, and COOs.
  • Temp agencies: These firms provide temporary workers to businesses on a short-term basis.
  • General staffing agencies: These firms provide both temporary and permanent workers to businesses.
There are many benefits to using a recruitment agency in Houston, including:
  • Access to a wider pool of candidates: Recruitment agencies have access to a wider pool of candidates than most businesses do. This can help you to find the best possible candidates for your open positions.
  • Expertise in recruiting: Recruitment agencies have the expertise and experience to help you to find the right candidates for your open positions. They can also help you to streamline the recruiting process and save you time and money.
  • Reduced risk: Recruitment agencies can help you to reduce the risk of making a bad hiring decision. They can conduct thorough screening and assessments of candidates, and they can also provide you with references and other information about the candidates they recommend.
There are many different types of training and placement solutions available in Houston, including:
  • On-the-job training: This type of training is provided by the employer to new employees. It typically includes instruction on the specific skills and knowledge that the employee needs to do their job.
  • Off-the-job training: This type of training is provided by a third-party provider, such as a community college or a training institute. It typically includes instruction on general skills, such as resume writing and interviewing techniques.
  • Job placement services: These services help job seekers to find employment. They may provide resume writing assistance, interview coaching, and access to job listings.
There are a few things you can do to find a good recruitment, training, and placement solution in Houston:
  • Ask for recommendations: Ask your friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations for recruitment, training, and placement agencies in Houston.
  • Do your research: Read online reviews and compare the services offered by different agencies.
  • Interview the agencies: Once you have narrowed down your options, interview the agencies to get a feel for their services and their approach to recruiting, training, and placement.