
Enterprise Scala with Spark


*Looking for flexible schedule (after hours or weekend)? Please call or email us: 858-208-4141 or sales@ccslearningacademy.com.


Course Description:

Learn about Scala and enterprise integration in a professional-grade Data Science environment.

Enterprise Data Science is a wide-ranging field built on many core technologies and paradigms that combine to provide a robust solution. Some of these technologies and/or practices include ETL, Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Network/Grid/Cloud engineering, and Business Rules.

This course explores some of these areas and provides experienced developers with a ‘big-picture’ understanding of how these technologies fit together for a professional-grade enterprise Data Science environment. You’ll learn Scala and Functional programming as well as Spark and Enterprise Integration techniques in a “breadth”-based approach for maximum exposure into the world of Enterprise Data Science. The course has several hands-on labs integrated throughout the training, but additional “depth”-based learning should be expected after this class to master Enterprise Data Science.

Additional information




Big Data


5 days